Bonnie Browning

painting, drawing, fiber, paper

Paducah, Kentucky

About the Artist

Bonnie has quilted since the late 1970’s, and since that time she has taught and judged across the U.S. and around the world. Her travels have taken her to Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Switzerland, and Turkey..

Bonnie is a certified quilt judge and a certified Zentangle® teacher. She has authored thirteen books on quilting and one family cookbook.

In her writing and teaching, she like to share good basic quiltmaking techniques so the quilts being made today are constructed to last for generations. She is well known for her techniques in applying borders and making them fit your quilts. Bonnie also enjoys sharing a variety of techniques for adding interest to the edges of the quilt.

Bonnie is employed as the Executive Show Director at the American Quilter’s Society, a position she has held since 1994.

About the Work

Quiltmaker using primarily cotton fabric.

Zentangle Art using watercolor paper, ink, watercolors and other paints.

Kijsa Housman | Artist | Paducah Creative & Cultural Council

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  • American Quilter’s Society

Opportunities Desired

  • Teaching
  • Exhibition

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National Endowment for the Arts

This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.

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