Lisa Mead
dance, choreography
Paducah, Kentucky
About the Artist
Inanna is a performance artist in Raqs Sharqi – or commonly called Belly Dance. She performs regionally at festivals, private events, weddings and stage shows. She is the director of Zerdali Dance Co; a local amateur performance troupe. Inanna also teaches beginners classes and is available for private lessons.
About the Work
Raqs Sharqi – also known as Belly Dance or Mid East dance has a long history of blending folk dances and music from different cultures into what we see today – a beautiful blend of styles showcasing movements of the torso and hips. Using music from around the globe, Raqs Sharqi is an art form that captivates people of all ages.
Arts Education Mediums
- Private Lessons
- All age groups
Opportunities Desired
- Teaching
- Performance Booking
- Mentorships
- Art Festivals
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This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
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