Tricia Taylor

portrait & lifestyle photography

Murray, Kentucky

About the Artist

I am a family photographer shooting exclusively on film. I am also a ceramic artist, partner, friend and sometimes, part-time creative director and co-writer of your ultimate love letter.

However, most important to this story is that I am a mother, and I have spent countless hours just admiring my son in the various rays of sun streaming through our windows in different parts of the day. I know how to find light and I know what magic in motherhood feels like–both the beauty and the grief alike.

The day I found out I shared life with another, I knew real love. The day I held my son in my arms, I felt the immensity of it. There are other days, too, that I knew real joy—like the one when he cupped my cheek in his palm to fall asleep or the one where he finally spoke the words “I love you”. Him and I—we believe that a love like ours will make us live forever. I tell him these things to keep his tender heart safe and because I wouldn’t dare not believe it.

I’ve written love letters with my camera and my words that make this true. And right this minute, I’m hoping I can share this hope with you.

About the Work

I photograph families, with a focus on motherhood, on analog film. I approach my sessions as love-letters written by the mother to gift to their children. I focus on up-close connections and the intimacy of families.

Kijsa Housman | Artist | Paducah Creative & Cultural Council

Click on any image to open a lightbox and scroll through all work.


  • Murray Art Guild (Murray, KY)

Opportunities Desired

  • Teaching
  • Commissions
  • Exhibition
  • Art Residency

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National Endowment for the Arts

This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.

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