Artizan Made
- Ceramics
- Fiber
- Other
Paducah, Kentucky
About the Artist
Most of my time is dedicated to running Artizan Made, a collective of handmade shops from around the world. Much of it is tedious, grunt work, but I do see it as a part of my creative offerings. I also sew, knit, and embroider, but have not had much time to do my own art work in the last five years or so.
About the Work
I see the website, Artizan Made, as my creative work these days and have tried to make it interesting, fun and educational. I use WordPress and am constantly learning new skills as the platform evolves.
I look forward to the day when I can have time to work on my own art work. I sew, hand stitch, embroider and have made many mixed media pieces, too.
- Paducah Fiber Artists
- My personal art lies in the textile/fiber art arena, but most of my time is spent promoting other artists.
- Commissions
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- Information on Grant Funding
- Art Residency Programs
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This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
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