Jason Hargrove
painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, blacksmith, printmaking, mixed media, wood, metal, paper, illustrator, abstract photography, surreal photography, urban design, installation artist, creative writer, instrumental music
Paducah, Kentucky
About the Artist
He works with stickers, stencils, illustrations, wheat paste, collage, posters, sculptures, paintings, murals, and glass fragments. He enjoys working with the colors yellow, and magenta. They are colors found on radiation warning signs. His work combines elements of graffiti, pop art, symbology, and futurist thought to provoke environmental awareness, and inspire community involvement.
About the Work
The use of yellow and magenta in my work are colors found on radiation warning signs. I make my collages on canvas using screen prints, vinyl film in the form of stickers, stencils, and spray paint. The same materials are used when installing large stickers and posters in the pubic environment. Bringing awareness, sparking concern, and leading people to inquire about their surroundings.
- Wastelanders
- Yeiser Art Center (Paducah, KY)
- Mayfield Graves Art Guild
Arts Education Mediums
- All age groups
Opportunities Desired
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Mentorship
- Exhibition
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This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov